Blew the walls off at the Dutch…

We blew the walls off the Dutch last night. Well actually, they had taken the temporary walls down and opened up the entire back of the place which was awesome given the weather was perfect. So we didn't blow the walls down but we would have if they had still been up. lol

Great crowd as always at The Dutch. Loads of our fans and friends were there as well as a lot of Dutch regulars. So much positive feedback as we jammed a good mix of everyone's favorite classic rock tunes AND we dusted off some songs we hadn't played in a while for something a bit different.

Dancers, dancers, dancers! It was great to see so many people on the cornhole court right next to us showing off their best moves. (At least until the cornholers reclaimed the space.) Then any open space worked as a dance floor.

Thanks again to all who came out to party with us. The support means everything to us.

Nothing scheduled for Labor Day weekend so we'll spend time with our families. Hope you all have a safe and fun holiday.

Next up for us is The Trum Tavern- one of the very first places we played. September 7th at 8pm. Hope to see you there


And The Trum did rock…


Incredible night at Cabana Bar…